Beyond 70:
The Lives of
Creative Women
Stacy Russo
ISBN-13: 979-8-9859692-1-4
What will you be doing BEYOND 70? Far from the stereotypical views of older life being a time of decline, this inspiring collection of interviews with 21 creative women aged 70 or older affirms that life in the “third act” is often a period of vitality, growth, courage, new possibilities, and even reawakening.
This full-color book honors the accomplishments of these talented women who engage in painting, photography, storytelling, mixed media, collage, music, artists’ books, writing, and sculpture. Their work is discussed in tandem with the history and evolution of each woman’s artistic life.
Through the power of personal narratives, this collection works against age- and gender-based discrimination. The diverse women artists of BEYOND 70, ranging in age from 70 through 98, offer their stories as benchmark contributions to the literature on creativity, artists’ lives, women’s studies/feminism, and aging. $24.99
Confusion in a Black and White World by Rosemary Ollison, Front Cover Art
The stories illustrate how everything in one’s life forms the foundation for creativity in one’s older years, and these women provide a roadmap for my next exuberant, joyful, creative decades.
—Janet Berlo, Art Historian, Artist, and Memoirist of Quilting Lessons

2024 Nautilus
Book Award
"Better books for
a better world"
Silver Medal in
Aging Consciously

Shortlisted in the 2024 Memoir Magazine Awards

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