Conch Custom (an imprint of Nauset Press)
If you have a manuscript that you'd like to publish that doesn't fit the art and poetry focus of Nauset Press, we also offer services assisting in self-publishing. Karyn Kloumann has twenty years of production experience in both print and digital media, and she can expertly assist you to insure that your manuscript is professionally designed and produced. In addition to full publication services, one-off design services are also offered.
Here is a list of services we provide. Rates for services are typical of what is listed here, at the Editorial Freelancer's Organization :
1) Minor proofreading and text suggestions for up to 120 pages; referrals to professional copyeditors if the manuscript needs more polishing
2) Assistance finding an illustrator, creating a contract between the author and illustrator, assisting in communication between author and illustrator
3) Laying out the book and cover to professional standards and the author's satisfaction
4) Setting up and downloading the first proof for the book on CreateSpace, including filling out ISBN information and insuring that all design parameters conform to the printer's specifications
5) Printing the first proof and insuring it is correct
6) Putting the book on Amazon and the CreateSpace e-store
7) Advice and support on all of the above; answering questions about process; setting up a timeline for completion
8) The book will have a Conch Custom imprint on the copyright page. The book will be showcased on the Conch Custom page on the Nauset Press website (coming soon)
9) You will be able to purchase your book at cost, and resell at a higher price
10) A formatted email to announce your new book
You will need:
1) A manuscript
2) Ability to email digital files, basic computer skills
Query us at info@nausetpress.com for more information
Click images to see links to the books.